The Reality of Thirty Three

Another trip around the sun for me. This past week was my first birthday since I’ve focused a lot of my time on Game Over Gimmicks. The lessons learned from this blog were discussed here, but I’ve also discovered a lot about who, what, and why I think about the things I do. Discovery and growth about myself have been a focus of mine of late. Our time on this planet is short, but I’ve dedicated myself to learning as much as I can. To learn as much as I can, I must start with myself. And I’ve discovered one principal theme:

The Reality of Thirty Three.

The Reality of Thirty-Three is put simply: Age. Another year means more aches, pains, and ailments. I fought through my first ever chronic pain issue in my hip this year after a short bout of COVID. It still aches occasionally, but it’s nowhere close to the pain I felt for weeks on end with zero reprieves. Believe me, I understand that I have been dealt a quality hand. There are millions of people worse off than me, health-wise. My lone persistent physical ailment revolves around not being able to eat certain foods. That alone is something to be grateful for.

However, any persistent issues I’ve had is more than I’ve ever dealt with. It’s a great reminder that time is finite, bodies break down, and Resting in Peace is inevitable. Living inside a comfortable status quo year over year is no longer acceptable for me. It’s time to embrace life and experience as much as I can while I am physically able to.

The Reality of Thirty-Three is discovery. When I was a child, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Those questions in school always made me uncomfortable because of my indecision and apathy toward growing up (whole other discussion). It took me my entire twenties, leaving my hometown, and finding the love of my life before stability allowed me a chance at discovery. I needed to find myself. A death and pandemic-filled 2020 helped me along a little, but I was in the perfect healthy environment to come to grips with those things. Not everyone gets that chance at stability.

I understand that Thirty Three is not old, but tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. The place I am in life is exactly where I want and need to be at this very moment. Focusing on my mental health has helped enlighten issues I was unaware of, which in turn helped every other area in my life.

The Reality of Thirty-Three is gratitude. I cannot express enough how grateful I am to be where I am. Am I successful by society’s fabricated monetary benchmark of success? Absolutely not. What makes me successful is where I am at this very moment. I have parents who cared enough to work themselves hard to give me a life lacking in difficulty. I have a stable job with great benefits, fun coworkers, and retirement packages (those are rare these days…). And most importantly, my life led me to Florida to meet the best friend and wife a guy could ever ask for. She’s patient, loving, and supports my crazy self-exploration at every step. I love her beyond words for it.

Gratitude is something many take for granted; I know I do. Everyone unknowingly takes advantage of people throughout life. That’s inevitable. What isn’t inevitable is being aware of it and acknowledging everyone who helped along the way. I cannot thank those who supported me enough through the years. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.

Regardless of what your last name is, how much money you have, or where you live…life is difficult. It’s important to remember we’re in this together. We all have our trials and tribulations. Be grateful for every single day. I know I’m working on doing that.

To anyone who’s read, helped me get through school, called me a friend, been there when I needed you, my parents, and anyone I missed…

Most importantly: my loving, caring, understanding, patient, and beautiful wife.


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